Living on a Ranch

Thinking about buying a ranch, recreation property, or land investment? Here’s some “Living on a Ranch” tips that you can expect from Home Ranch Properties, realtors who actually live and work the land.

Living on a Ranch

Home Ranch Properties – Since 1966

Whether you’re thinking about living on a ranch or investing in land, consider what it takes to maintain the land and the animals you might want to raise.  If you’re only investing in land, there could still could be many challenges such as water rights, easements, and other obligations to care for the land that you might not be aware of.  The realtors of Home Ranch Properties have lived and worked the land for generations, and with these tips, a little bit of research, living on a ranch and enjoying natures bounty, taking in the sunrises and sunsets, can be well worth the work to maintain it. 

One Great Real Estate Investment is Worth a Lifetime of Labor!”

Do your research!

Off the bat, there are a few things about buying and selling land you absolutely should know about. You need to know about the local ordinances, land usage, zoning, easements, whether there are any BLM or other agricultural leases, any ecological concerns such as the presence of an endangered species of plant or animal. These may severely interfere with your plans and, without appropriate knowledge, you could be biting off more than you can chew.

For more on research, you absolutely need to see our Pro Realtor Tips for Buying and Selling Ranch Property.

Land Maintenance - Living on a Ranch

Depending on the property, generally most ranches are surrounded by other ranches or open acres of land that you as a landowner are obligated to maintain.  You get to decide what you do with this land, hunt, fish, turn it into an equestrian facility or a cattle ranch, or a combination of these.

How you use the land will impact how you maintain it. For example, if you to raise crops you’ll want to manage crop rotation to avoid depleting the soil of nutrients.

The same is true for livestock. You’ll have animals that will graze the land, which helps to keep grass down, but you want to make sure not to overgraze because that can damage the land and have a negative environmental impact.

Other land may require vegetation  thinning or maintenance to allow property easements or even reduce fire hazards.

Daily Chores - Living on a Ranch

Planning to grow agricultural or maintain livestock? Ranchers are up early to tend to chores. It’s important to get as much done before the heat of the day.

You’ll also need to check your property fences and livestock housing for maintenance. Check for signs of predators like wolves, coyotes, and other animals that can be detrimental to agriculture crops.

Other daily task might include irrigating or even chopping wood for the fireplace. 

Despite all of the hard work, the rewards of living on a ranch include plenty of fresh air, endless views of sunrises and sunsets, and daily opportunities to connect with nature.

Ready to Live on a Ranch?

If you’re ready to make ranch life a reality, then contact us and we will be happy to help you find your dream ranch. Plus, with our years of personalized and dedicated expertise, we’ll make sure to educate you on the complexities of buying a ranch and maximize your investment.

Call us at  530-347-9455. For after hours, use our contact page and we’ll get back to you just as soon as possible.